Saturday, August 9, 2014


There were more than 560 small kingdoms in India. 
They were in war with each other . 
Mughal emperors ruled this country for more than 400 years .
Then the Britishers for more than 200 years . 
The Merchants of East India company ,Came ,Saw and Conquered. 
They got permission to do trading from the Mughal .
The  battle of Plassey laid down the foundation of rising British Empire in India.
The clerk of East India Company became one of the richest persons  in England .  How ?
One of the Biggest states of India , Bengal, was divided in to Two . East and West. Muslims were the Majority in East Bengal .
Hindus were the Majority in West Bengal. 
The poisonous seed of religious fanaticism was sown .
Bombay , Calcutta, Madras gave way to the growth of British Empire .
They struck the Mughal Empire down to pieces when  Mughal kings were weak. 
Hindus , Muslims , Dalits all together worked together for getting Independence  .
British divided the nation in to two , Pakistan and India and gave to the people . 
They allowed the individual kingdoms like ,Travancore , Hyderabad ,and Kashmir decide themselves to join either of the two domains . 
By doing so they created a chaos and confusion amongs the Indian union and the Princely States .
At the stroke of the Midnight on August 14 th 1947 the tricolor flag was raised and the British flag down .
India was given Independence .
NEHRU'S Headache started. 
Sriramulu potti was on hunger strike for getting a separate state for Andra Pradesh .
Government was forced accept the demand but Sriramulu had to sacrifice his life for that .
Madras state was divided and Telugu speaking Andra Pradesh was born . 
It was Congress party's promise to form linguistic State . But Nehru was not much interested for such a proposal. 
But the agitation for Andra Pradesh has paved way for clam our from others also to form separate states on linguistic basis . 
A state reorganization committee was formed . 
November First 1956 , states were reorganized on linguistic basis. 
Kerala lost Tamil speaking area of Kanyakumari .
Kerala gained Malayalam speaking Kasargode from Kannada . 

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