Saturday, August 9, 2014


Dams,Dams everywhere 
 India is one of the four countries which have dams everywhere. 
United States , China and Japan are the other front runners in the Dam construction Industry. 
A rough calculation gives the statistic as below.
China has 25000 big dams , United States of America 10000, India 5000 and japan 4500. 
It can be said " Dams ,Dams ,Everywhere ,but not a drop to quench the thirst of lands" 
The famine in India during the nineteenth
 century, made the British to institute the first Irrigation  commission in 1901 .
The famine killed lakhs and lakhs of people in  India .
The British rulers were blamed for not taking any positive action for averting the disaster. 
It prompted them to establish The first Irrigation Commission India .
The Report 1901-03 have suggested development of Irrigation  infrastructures. 
Even before that there were instances of building Dams by British Royal  engineers. 
Between  communication development and irrigation development ,initially the British preferred the first.
The developed the Railway net work . 
This was made to transport the  plundering materials to their land . 
But the boost for Irrigation Development came after the great famine .
One of the Dams built earlier in South India ,in the then, Madras Province has left an imbroglio of conflict between the two neighboring States of Independent India . 
The " Periyar  Project " completed by British Engineers became an eyesore .

Divide and Rule 
British East India Company came to India for trading. 
They pleased the then rulers, Mughal,  and got permission .
At a time when the Mughal Empire was at its low ebb, they captured the power . 
It is history. 
The Triumphant  march started from 1757. 
Robert  Clive won the war at Plassey. 
There after East India Company did not looked back .
Every step was towards success. 
The Merchants became the Rulers . 
The sepoy mutiny as described by the British historians and first Indian Independence Struggle as told by Indian historians was in 1857, after a century of the  Plassey war. 
The traders trick to sustain their business was seen when they divided the greater Bengal ,into East Bengal and West Bengal , in line with the religious faith .
The seed of hate was sown in the minds of Indian .
Hindus and. Muslims were living happily with love ,now they turned against each other . 
That is history .
West goes to East 

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